Maine College & Career Access

We are here to walk with you!

Eastern Aroostook Adult & Community Education image #1329
Eastern Aroostook Adult & Community Education image #1119

MCCA Success Course

Learn and adopt strategies to be successful in college and beyond.  The college student experience offers interactive exercises, assignments and discussions covering a variety of topic transition to college life, goal setting, study skills, time management, campus resources and information literacy

MCCA Arithmetic & Algebra

Refresh advanced computation skills with emphasis on fractions, word  problems, and the first year of collage skills to better prepare for the ACCUPLACER placement exam. This course is contextualized to experience how math is used in careers like law enforcement, mechanics, constructions and more.


MCCA Reading and Composition I & II

Master the process of drafting, revising, editing, and polishing a piece of work.   Synthesize material from diverse sources and document formal MLA research paper.


If you are interested or require more information about our classes